Throwing Stones

What’s worse?
“You’re fat!”
“I’m fat!”

They both suck! I’m being serious. Why do we throw stones at each other? Is it because we think we are better than the next person? Or is it because we have low self-esteem and need to build ourselves up? Both of those excuses are idiotic. Here’s one that’s even worse: we don’t love ourselves. Yeah, that’s a killer…

I don’t know about you but I’m fat. Yep, it’s true. Fat, curvy, voluptuous, round, fluffy – the list goes on. I’m also beautiful, smart, funny, sexy, sarcastic, and I couldn’t give two……. about what others think about me. I refuse to let people’s opinions of me taint my love for myself and there is no way that I’m going to body shame what I see in the mirror. “You are only as pretty as you feel.” Well, I feel GORGEOUS in my sweat pants, tank top, socks, and ponytail. That girl walking down the street is AWESOME in her skater skirt and orange blouse. My middle school friend is STUNNING on my news feed in her t-shirt covered in drool while holding her 1-week old baby.

As a society, we throw stones at each other constantly. We hate on each other’s looks, jobs, homes, children (or lack of), relationships (or again, lack of), etc. But why? Why do we do this. Why can’t we just be happy for our friend’s promotion or our sister’s engagement? Are we really that petty and that selfish that the only happiness and well-being that matters is our own? Ugh, I don’t want to live in that world! Hell no! So guess what? I don’t! And you shouldn’t either.

Curvy isn’t a body type. It’s a Lifestyle!

6 thoughts on “Throwing Stones

    • Hello and thanks for visiting! Make sure to check back often. My mind is so random that I don’t even know what’s coming next until I start typing! That makes for lots of surprises 🙂 Have an amazing day!


  1. Thanks so much for the follow. And I couldn’t agree with you more. Even I, warm bloodied American male, don’t like the looks of a woman who looks like eating a single piece of lettuce would triple her caloric intake for a calendar year!


    • I’m really enjoying your blog as well! And thank you for acknowledging that men like meat, not bones. But all women, no matter shape or size are beautiful. Positivity, strength, and perseverance is what makes us beautiful! 🙂 Have a great day doll!


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